Sunday, May 3, 2009

Yamba, the place where the dolphins dance by sunrise




Days in Yamba would start without exception by surfing at sunrise. In that specific morning in Angourie beach the sea was glassy and the waves were pretty good. A golden sun was somnolently rising behind the sea, soft and warm.


Yet, what was supposed to be one more great surf day in Australia soon turned out to  be one of the most magical moments we would experience during this journey..


Shortly after going into water in the peaceful hours of the early morning surfers noticed that a group of around fifteen dolphins appeared in the horizon line. They were coming closer and closer. As these sea mammals eventually reached an unpredictable short distance, they started to interact in a playful and energetic way using a variety of clicks, whistles and other sounds. 


A couple of dolphins were surfing the same waves as us while graciously jumping in and outside the water with the joy of a child. At the same time, some more acrobatic mammals would delightfully perform exhibitionist airy jumps just in front of our surf boards, while a number of other of these marine creatures would speedily swim towards the surfers and deviate in the last second. They were clearly enjoying themselves and we could not enjoy more their company. This took one hour of our time but will definitely be an everlasting memory of ours...




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Surfing the waves of Angourie beach: Alex


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….and friends





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Angourie beach by sunset






Jellyfish in Pipi beach, Angourie






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Yamba golf club_kangurus (22)
Yamba golf club_kangurus (11) 

Kangaroos in Yamba’s golf course





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Yamba golf club_rainbow birds (7)
Yamba golf club_rainbow birds (4) 

Rainbow lorikeet



greg said...

Lenka is sooooo jelous about that dolphins story, that must have been amazing